Make the Kids Happy to Move too!
If you’re making the next big decision in your families life you want to know that the kids aren’t feeling any of the stress that you may be. Our kids should be enjoying as much of their childhood as possible every day - even during the daunting prospect and process of a big house move.
Express Removals 24/7 - suppliers of the best local removals London wide - know that it’s key to support the ‘whole’ family in this busy time.
Make the Kids Excited for the Move!
When you’re looking to get started with packing up boxes and start taking apart your furniture - first take a moment to sit your kids down to let them know what your doing and what’s going on.
Tell them what the good things are about moving are. Let the kids know that they’ll have more space in the garden and bedrooms - they may even have their own all to themselves in the new house.
Perhaps they’ll have a playroom or den in the house that they didn’t have before - if so, let them know! That’d get them excited and the more their excited about it the more they’ll want to help because they want to get there too!
Let the Kids Help Pack!
One way to have your kids help out is to have them package and box their own things away read for the move. Now here’s a kicker - bubblewrap! The kids go mad for the stuff and will be packing away; popping bubbles whilst they do it. Just make sure you have enough before they get through it all!
One thing to keep in mind, though, is that you obviously shouldn’t let them handle let alone try to pack away anything that is fragile or anything that could break and hurt them. Give them the easier things such as lighter toys and board games. Whilst they are occupied with that - you can get to boxing up the rest of the home.
Make it a Game!
So things are all packed up now - what now? Break out the colouring!
If you have a pack of felt-tip pens or crayons, make sure they have them to hand so they can get straight to doodling! All you need ask of them is to mark what is in the box - helpful and entertaining stuff that can keep them busy for a couple of hours more!
Have a Back-up Plan to Keep them Occupied!
Eventually, it is inevitable that your children will get tired and restless, especially if they have been packing and colouring boxes all day.
This is where your emergency entertainment box comes to the rescue. Do your children enjoy playing games on the family tablet? Or do they have a favourite portable video game they love to play? Maybe a favourite book or comic?
Whatever it is, keep it close in the emergency entertainment box but only bring it out as a last resort. You want to keep them involved in the move for as long as possible.
Great! You are all packed and on your way to your new home. However, once you arrive you then have to un-pack! Don’t worry, we can make this fun for your children too.
No-matter what you do the kids will eventually get bored, having done all the colouring and packing for the day.
Here is where you can pull out a box of things to hold their attention - be it a handheld video game, comic or story books or even the family tablet can keep them relaxed and happy. Don’t bring this little treasure trove of distraction out too early - keep it for emergencies and just in case - because you want them involved for as long as possible.
So there we go! Everything is ready and your on your way to a new family home. Once you get there, though, you have to unpack - but we’ll keep the kids entertained regardless!
Once there, Start with their Room First!
You can get them all excited again when it comes to unpacking their belongings and toys first, they will remember how much they enjoyed packing with bubble-wrap - and realise there’s still un-popped bubbles!
You can have them draw the layout of the bedroom and show where they want their toys to live. If you don’t have paper handy, grab a cardboard box you’ve emptied and flatten it out for a canvas they can use.
Kids will truly enjoy this because they can let their imaginations run wild with what craziness they can think of!
Express Removals 24/7 are confident that if you take these suggestions to heart and use them on moving day you’ll have the kids entertained through-out the day - giving you all the time you need to pack before you leave for your new home. For more detail on removals in Surrey you can visit at: